laugardagur, mars 05, 2005

Skoðanir kirkjunnar

Kaþólska kirkjan telur það vera mjög alvarlegt þegar kynfræðsla sem fer fram í skólum er í beinni andstöðu við það sem það sem kirkjan kennir í sambandi við það mál. Sjá til dæmis hér:

"The use of contraception, which is fostered by active propaganda among young people through so-called "sex education" courses, has negative effects that are well known today. The information provided in these courses is often limited to instruction on how to use contraceptives. Sex education centred on an individual's sexual impulses and the "risk-free" means to satisfy them is poor preparation for the mature, responsible love of adult sexuality that has the nature of a gift and finds its proper place in the family. Sometimes this kind of education tends to distance children from their parents in the name of the young people's "sexual rights". When young people receive this kind of "preparation", they get an erroneous, immature mentality regarding sexuality that is unsuitable for their future conjugal union. It is not surprising that wherever this kind of "sex education" prevails, an increase is seen in the number of unwanted pregnancies among adolescents, often followed by abortion. Another result is an increase in sexually transmittable diseases that often lead to permanent sterility in women." (Sjá hér)

Hverju mælir kirkjan með að foreldrar geri í þessari stöðu að skólar kenni börnum og unglingum að syndsamslegt atferli sé rétt að stunda:

"117. 4. It is recommended that parents attentively follow every form of sex education that is given to their children outside the home, removing their children whenever this education does not correspond to their own principles. However, such a decision of the parents must not become grounds for discrimination against their children. On the other hand, parents who remove their children from such instruction have the duty to give them an adequate formation, appropriate to each child or young person's stage of development." (Sjá hér)


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